Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fight To Win!!

Hello Guys!!
hmm..oweyoweeyoo2x!! DUP 1B...
hahah...aritu ktowg dak2 glamor lg gorgeous belatih cheer for karnival family day 25 Mac 2011 yg lepas.
mmg teruk ye..lagi 2 ari nk competition bwu nk practice mmg struggle gile kot..
ktowg da la asek ubah lagu ape yg wat...mmg leteyh..dak2 cheer iaitu aku sendiri, aida, pika, atiq, cikoi, kuza, eyka n zaty mmg keletihan..n x lupa jgk to supporter mmbr from the rest of DUP 1B anda  sume sgt2 sporting yo! thanx to mereka sbb wat kan pom pom 4 us u guys ketat2!!hahaha

nk taw x ktowg practice dr lps je isyak smpi la pkol 12 mlm tepat gitu..mmg cannot go.
da la aritu jgk ktowg kene wat rehearsal dgn dak2 cheer yg len (i mean our enemy)hahha..
perghh! mmg sume dasyat2 belaka..smpi je turn ktowg nk wat rehearsal...berterabur mak aihh!!
time atas stage tu jgk la aku bwu nk susun kedudukan...mmg xley blah..malu pun xpela..(^^)v

Lastly, ari yg d'tunggu2 tlh tiba...
oppss...lpe nk mention aku, aida, n atiq kene wat opening 4 that karnival dgn mmbuat senam gile..=)

ktowg kene wat psenbahan cheer no.6 drpd 11 group...mmg takut seyh...=(
Ktowg mmg nervousa time naik stage tu...naseb baik suar aku xkoyak time aku nk wat split..hahha...(untong)
tp saat2 malu mmg ade la..hehehe..
tp tgok gruoup cheer yg len mmg t'cabar sgt2..(sumpah xtipu)

saat pgumuman~jeng jeng jeng!!
MC pada majlis aritu umum 3rd n 2nd place...yeah! i admit that they r great..
finally for the champion..(bunyi drum..)heheh

DUP 1B!!!!!!!!!!!

wow! aku g tcegang kt naseb baik mbr aku swoh aku p amek hadiah...hahha..
sgt2 xsangka...amek ko lapan2 owg p naik stage amek hadiah..mmg gempak gila la..
neway aku mg hapy sgt aritu..mmg xsangka kt DUP 1B bley mng..
thnx aku ucapkan kt kowg sume sbb bg kerjasama kt aku time kt practice.aku syg kowg sume.
k la mls nk bebel byk2...nk enjoy pic nih..thnx adika 4 snap the best moment....chao!

last day practice...

Yeah! we won 1st place.


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